Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dressed like a lobster

Kim Kardashian, dressed a bit like a lobster.
  OK, maybe not exactly like a lobster. Use your imaginations, people!
  by Becca Day-Preston
   Here at Holy Moly, we love fancy dress. The entire team is currently sitting round in cowboy costumes because yesterday was Wild West Wednesday in the office and we don't want to part with our costumes just yet. Seriously.
   Totally true. Anyway, we love fancy dress, so we were excited to see these photos that show Kim Kardashian celebrating the fact that she has gone to a restaurant called Crustaceans, and she has done so in a LOBSTER COSTUME!
   Look, mate, you might say this is a red bodycon top and skirt number, but we say LOBSTER COSTUME so jog on.

Read the whole story on Holy Moly!

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