Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Recipe for lobster bisque

 Did anyone else catch Winslow Taylor claw his way to the top with a hearty lobster bisque on Recipe to Riches last week?

 The final product–while not as chock-full of the crustacean as the original lobster recipe the Mississauga dad served up–beat out a traditional turkey dinner and ground turkey kabobs to become the next entree available on store shelves as part of Loblaw’s President’s Choice line.
 With the cold weather back upon us, we here at TV Guide Canada figured it was the perfect dish to warm us up, and so we got our hands on a sample and divvied it up (save our resident vegetarian, Eleni Armenakis).
Here’s what we thought of the Jammin’ Jamaican Lobster Bisque:
 Greg David
The ingredients warn eaters that the single-serving bowl may contain lobster shell fragments. There weren’t any in my sample. Sadly, there wasn’t any lobster in the spoonfuls I took either, which is a problem for something with lobster in the name. (Others on the team got some chunks, so all was not lost.) Still, this medium-spiced soup had plenty of lobster flavour, a creamy mouth feel and hints of butternut squash. It definitely delivers as a winter day warm-me-up and I’d try it again. And keep my fingers crossed that I’d get some morsels of lobster in it... Continue

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