Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Season Lobster Fest end.

Waterlot hosts end of season Lobster Fest.

 Mikaela Ian Pearman, Online News Reporter

Fruits de mer: Lobster thermidore is on the special Festival menu. *Photo by Thomas Houston

  Lobster season is drawing to a close but there is still plenty of time to get one last meal in.
The Waterlot Inn is hosting a spacial Lobster Fest until March 31. 
Specials include a Lobster Salad with Avocado and Fennel, Lobster Bisque with Mushrooms and Tarragon Cream, and Spiny Lobster Thermidor with Gratin Potatoes and Vegetables.
 The salad is $21, the bisque is $18 and the thermidor is $59.
Tom Houston, maitred’ for Waterlot explained the promotion and said: “The big thing for us is: naturally we run lobsters throughout the season as a special and considering we’re coming in the last few weeks, we decided to showcase this true culinary treasure in Bermuda.

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