Tuesday, March 11, 2014

SeaFood Safety for People with Weakened Immune Systems

Information Update: Food Safety for People with Weakened Immune Systems

When you are ill, or when you are being treated for certain conditions, your immune system can be weakened and that can make it more difficult to fight off disease. Some examples of conditions that can weaken your immune system include: diabetes, HIV/AIDS, organ transplant, or if you are receiving chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer. If you are a person with a weakened immune system, you may be at more risk, than the general population, for foodborne illness (also known as food poisoning). If you are preparing food, or someone is preparing food for you, safe food handling and cooking practices should be followed.

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/1784307#ixzz2vj9zy7Gu

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