Saturday, April 19, 2014

How to cook Lobster lasagne

......The first and most important ingredient was of course, the lobster. We poached them in a court bouillon, or basically some simmering water that had been infused with onions, carrots, celery and herbs. After the lobster was cooked, we broke it down to pick out all the meat and save it for assembling the lasagne at the end. Nothing else was wasted, though.

Lasagne Ouverte d'Homard aux asperges vertes
The shell was chopped up and gently heated with olive oil, tomato paste, garlic and herbs to make an infused lobster oil. And, if you were lucky enough to get a female lobster (which I was!) you could save the coral, or roe, to add color and flavor to our handmade pasta dough.

Coral is an unappetizing dark green goo when it’s raw, but it turns whatever you add it to a much more attractive orangey pink color after cooking. Continue reading

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