Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lobster cooking

7 Ways to Use Lobster

Lobster BLTs © Marcus Nilsson
  Lobster prices tend to plummet from spring through early summer, making this once luxe seafood super accessible. Here are 7 things to do with it that go well beyond the usual lobster roll.

1. Risotto. After boiling a lobster, make a broth with the shells, then use it to cook rice risotto style. Add the lobster meat just before serving so it doesn’t overcook. Or, make Spain’s twist on risotto, called fideos, which uses toasted noodles.

2. Diner dishes. Upgrade coffee shop classics and add lobster to your BLT, eggs Benedict or Caesar saladRead more

Maine Love Shack for two

Maine lobster tails with a rich lobster walnut
crumb stuffing, and Lobster bisque.
12 Sweet Sloops of almond butter crunch,
covered in white chocolate dipped in
dark chocolate,crushed pecans and dark chocolate heart.

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