Monday, March 17, 2014

lobster meetings in Halifax

Lobster Value Recover Summit on March 26 and 27

In following The Report of the the Maritime Lobster Panel in November 2013, a very important lobster summit will be held in Halifax in late March.
 Stakeholders in the Atlantic lobster industry, like those two buyers in Harbour Breton in 2012, will be meeting in Halifax on March 26 and 27 to look at the four key recommendations for the fishery that were proposed in the Report of the Maritime Lobster Panel in 2013. One of the key events that may result from the meetings is a levy that would be paid by buyers and harvesters to help establish a generic marketing strategy for Canadian lobsters.
 Boston Lobster Bake Gift Certificate for Four
Boston Lobster Bake Gift Certificate

1 1/4 lb. Live Maine Lobsters clam chowder with oyster crackers
includes: steel crackers,for napkins and all the extras!

 The report called for major changes to the Atlantic Provinces lobster industry to ensure that the multi-million dollar lobster industry is to have a future.

The Lobster Value Recovery Summit will include participation from harvesters, buyers, First Nations representatives, union personnel and officials from the Atlantic and Quebec provincial governments and from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

  Geoff Irvine is the Executive Director of the Lobster Council of Canada, the group that is organizing the summit.
  Irvine said, “The overall purpose of the summit is to bring all stakeholders together to look at the four key recommendations from the Maritime Lobster Panel Report.”

  These value recovery strategy recommendations center on the establishment of an independent Maritime Lobster Market Intelligence Institute and a comprehensive generic marketing and promotion campaign for Canadian lobster. Read more

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