Sunday, March 23, 2014

Catching a Lobster by Hand!

The Day I Nearly Lost my Thumb....Catching a Lobster by Hand!

Lobster News from

   Every year my best mate and I pick a couple of weekends in the summer, clear the diary, limit our budget and just go into the Wild.
Last year we decided to get on our bikes, cycle some of the South West coast path and just find a spot where we thought no one would bother us for the night.

   As always, we did the very blokey 'last minute' pack and therefore always forget some stuff - but if I'm honest, we kinda like it like that. We're after an adventure, and if you plan it all perfectly you never get to make it up along the way, which is always the best bit.

Lazy Man Lobster Dinner for Four

Fresh shucked lobster tails, accompanied
by our fork tender filet mignons.

   We'd packed light but as we were near the coast it was mostly snorkelling/spearfishing kit, a tent and fire lighting stuff. We figured dinner was waiting for us, and if it wasn't that obliging then maybe we'd learn what hungry really was.

   Conditions were great (well for having a nice time, maybe not the best for fishing). The visibility was about 6-8m and we found ourselves on a rocky reef a couple hundred metres offshore as the tide was ebbing. The bright sunshine meant a few small Pollock were kicking around and plenty of large Ballen Wrasse, in fact some huge ones, up to 5 or 6lb were hiding in the kelp.

  Now, although they’re great to eat (but an absolute bugger to skin and fillet) there's zero challenge in spearing one, because they're so friendly they’re not strictly fair game. A last resort we thought, if nothing better turned up... hey! A man’s gotta eat!...
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The Day I Nearly Lost my Thumb....Catching a Lobster by Hand!

Posted on March 21 by 7th Rise in General
The Day I Nearly Lost my Thumb...Catching a Lobster by Hand!
Every year my best mate and I pick a couple of weekends in the summer, clear the diary, limit our budget and just go into the Wild.
Last year we decided to get on our bikes, cycle some of the South West coast path and just find a spot where we thought no one would bother us for the night.
As always, we did the very blokey 'last minute' pack and therefore always forget some stuff - but if I'm honest, we kinda like it like that. We're after an adventure, and if you plan it all perfectly you never get to make it up along the way, which is always the best bit.
We'd packed light but as we were near the coast it was mostly snorkelling/spearfishing kit, a tent and fire lighting stuff. We figured dinner was waiting for us, and if it wasn't that obliging then maybe we'd learn what hungry really was.
Conditions were great (well for having a nice time, maybe not the best for fishing). The visibility was about 6-8m and we found ourselves on a rocky reef a couple hundred metres offshore as the tide was ebbing. The bright sunshine meant a few small Pollock were kicking around and plenty of large Ballen Wrasse, in fact some huge ones, up to 5 or 6lb were hiding in the kelp. Now, although they’re great to eat (but an absolute bugger to skin and fillet) there's zero challenge in spearing one, because they're so friendly they’re not strictly fair game. A last resort we thought, if nothing better turned up... hey! A man’s gotta eat!
- See more at:!#sthash.UsZ8h24M.dpuf

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